Waterproofing a Xiaomi M365

The most vulnerable parts of the Xiaomi scooter are:

  • The dashboard (status display)
  • The motor
  • The control boards inside the deck

Dashboard waterproofing

The only not-sealed part of the dashboard, is the button. The simplest fix is to place a sticker over it. The rest of the display is doesn't require additional treatment.

A round sticker on the button. The button can be felt and pressed easily, so there is no need for it to be transparent.

Motor waterproofing

The motor is pretty well covered, but if your scooter is not new, it's worth checking for loose parts. The most important being the black star screws around the motor and the aluminum nuts, which are holding the axle.

If the motor has ever been disassembled (eg. when changing the ball bearings), it's important to re-apply loctite onto the screws and the axle nuts. As we are at it, with a little bit of silicon, we might aswell improve the seal between tire and the motor housing.

Marked spots (red) where an outside silicon seal might help

Waterproofing the deck

There is ALOT of areas, where water can enter the deck.

  1. The seals routing the cables, if kinked or damaged, can let in water easily
  2. The brake wire exit for the rear wheel is exposed to splashing water and debree from the tire
  3. The under-tray (this one is very unlikely if it was mounted correctly)
Places where water can enter into the M365 deck

For the cable seals, it's wise to add a dab of silicon or hot plastic glue. Just a little, so the cables and the seal can be removed for future maintenance.

I have glued my brake wire exit completely shut. I am not planning on ever moving it or removing it. And if you look inside the hole, it is a perfect invitation for water.

If the tray doesn't have visible cracks or holes, it is safe to say, no water is getting inside. There is no need for specialised seals and glues. The plastic the tray is made of, is perfectly water-tight, so if the screws are not loose and it's mounted evenly, we can feel safe.

It might also be a good idea, to keep the charging port in relative cleanliness, even though flooding it with water isn't going to do any damage to the scooters systems, because of separation and isolation of power line, from the ground line. Nevertheless, it might fill up with dirt, blocking entry for the charger, or significantly reduce life of the charging port.
